Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy To Report...

I am now 2 weeks free and clear of MORNING SICKNESS!! So glad... I really thought I was gonna kill someone soon. Now I have a little heart burn in the evenings but I can live with that. My tummy has really grown in the last 2 weeks as well. I expected my tummy to grow at a regular pace. I certainly didn't realize I would have growth spurts! It is so strange! I talked to my cousin (by marriage) yesterday because she had twins 18 years ago. It was really nice to hear she didn't enjoy being pregnant either. I was really hoping to enjoy being pregnant. I don't. I'm almost 15 weeks now and my toes look like little sausages! My tummy muscles get very tired from carrying the extra weight and they usually give up around 3:00 each day. That's when my tummy shows it's true size! Joe was rubbing my tummy after work yesterday and said "You're getting huge!". Thanks honey.