Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Official!!

We're having twin boys!! They now weigh 1 pound each and I can feel them moving around. It is so weird!! We already have the names picked out. They are...

Gage Farrell Hughes
Aiden Granger Hughes

The doctor says they are growing rapidly and appear to be very healthy! YEA!

Here's a question for you...

I can understand my knees hurting from the extra weight... I can understand getting pimples from the extra hormones... But will someone please explain to me why I now have fuzzy ear lobes? I'm beginning to look like my granddad!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Well CRAP!!

The babies tried to show us what they were but it just wasn't clear enough. The doctor could guess but I don't want to base anything on a guess. So, we still don't know what I'm having. AARRRGGHHH!!!
I did see a new doctor about my migraines. He gave me some medicine made for Alzheimer's patients and said that it might work. I certainly hope so. These migraines are unbearable!! I had 3 last week alone. I wake up with one and I'm down for the entire day. Makes enjoying being pregnant very difficult!
The OB did reduce my work schedule from 40 hours a week to 30. Haven't had the opportunity to tell my boss yet. Hope he takes it well!

Monday, November 5, 2007

It's Almost TIME!!!

Tomorrow, Nov. 6th, we have a doctor's appt to find out what we're having!! I'm so excited I can't stand it!!!
Also, about 7am on Halloween morning, I felt Baby A move for the first time. Then, about 2 hours later, I felt Baby B move as well. On Saturday, Nov 3rd, I felt Baby A move again. It is such a strange feeling. Little flutters concentrated in one spot in my tummy.
I actually have 2 doctor's appts tomorrow. The first is to find out what I'm having. The second is because the doctor is getting concerned about me. My ankles are now bigger than my feet, I am having horrible headaches (probably due to sinuses), shortness of breath, and still vomiting every other day. Ever since I got sick about 3 weeks ago, things have become a little more difficult. Oh well... The joys of a twin pregnancy.