Monday, August 6, 2007

Trying to Get Pregnant - Happy Pills

During the first attempt, I stayed on Paxil, which made it much easier to get past having a negative result. During the second attempt, my PCP told me to stop taking my Paxil. Needless to say, I was much more emotional during the second attempt than I was the first. Poor Joe. He handled it like a champ!
Immediately after we received the phone call telling us that the test was negative, I got right back on my Paxil. It made it easier to deal with the depression of 2 failed in-vitro attempts. Plus not knowing why they failed is very difficult. They couldn't even tell us if it was me or Joe. I kept feeling like it was my fault, and Joe kept feeling like it was his fault. In reality, it isn't either one of our faults. It just wasn't meant to be.

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